
Release Notes


Demo Apps

App di esempio

Event Calendar
Featuring: 4D Web Area and FullCalendar 4.3.1 (an open-source calendar framework)
This application showcases 4D's integration capabilities through a professional event manager application. The implementation combines the native 4D widgets and an open-source calendar framework to offer a beautiful and intuitive user interface.
Minimum requirement: 4D v19 LTS

Simple Canvas Tool
Featuring: 4D Web Area and HTML-5 Canvas
This application provides a simple drawing program through the power of integration between the HTML-5 Canvas and 4D Web area. Each drawing can be saved as a picture directly in the database or exported onto the disk as a PNG file. .
Minimum requirement: 4D v19 LTS

Lightweight Email Composer
Featuring: 4D Write Pro, Subform, and the SMTP Transport
This application provides a lightweight version of the email composer. It is also component-ready, which can be built and installed in any 4D hosted database to offer email functionality. The implementation utilizes 4D Write Pro, Subform, and the SMTP Transport feature (new since version 18).
It offers a professional look UI that can be reused into any 4D application
Minimum requirement: 4D v19 LTS

Rubrica Indirizzi
Funzionalità: Subform, Listbox, and Dynamic objects
Questa applicazione offre all'utente semplici funzionalità per la gestione dei propri contatti. La visualizzazione dei contatti è disponibile in due opzioni di layout: elenco e griglia. L'implementazione utilizza una combinazione di oggetti Subform, Listbox e Dynamic.
Requisiti minimi: 4D v19 LTS

Recipe organizer application
Featuring: Subform, Listbox, and Dynamic object
This application provides a unique way to organize any cooking recipes. The user can create a recipe with ingredients and cooking steps of their choice. Each recipe can also be displayed in a unique layout that is easy for anyone to follow. The implementation combines the use of Subform, Listbox, Dynamic object, and layout control technique in action to create a friendly user interface.
Minimum requirement: 4D v19 LTS